A New Day

Much hasnt changed from yesterday. Jane continues to show signs of stability as her medication is weaned (and replaced with other meds). Oh yeah, so heres a funny one…Jane is taking Viagra!!!! I had to laugh when the nurse told me what it was. Oh this girl, experiencing so much at such a young age! LOL!

I had a nice, long discussion with Beverly, the nurse in charge today. I asked her why they havent done surgery and what EXACTLY it is that the Drs are looking for. She said overall they are hoping and waiting for more forward blood flow through the pulmonary artery to the lungs. All the med changes, oxygen adjustments, nutrition changes, etc. are constantly being manipulated to try and increase that flow and allow Jane, on her own, to do this. IF, I repeat, IF that happens then we can try and avoid surgery all together or for a great length of time until she is older. That is why it has been a waiting game. My next question was- how long will we be here? She looked at me sincerely and said probably at least until Easter or longer…and my heart dropped. But then she reminded me that Jane is mine forever, we have a long road ahead of living in the medical world, and we need to do all that we can now. So, I picked my heart back up and decided it was time to prepare myself mentally. She said she hopes I can laugh in her face when she is proven wrong, but we need to be realisitic. The next big question was when can I hold her?? She told me probably next week sometime we can re-evaluate and look into making that happen for me. She realizes how important it is to me to hold her, but as they wean her from her medications she needs to prove her stability. Beverly said that people with heart failure can plummet at anytime so we want to be sure that she candle handle the move before taking the risk.

Daniel and I continue to enjoy each and every moment with her…one day at a time.

***Beverly told us that Jane’s case has been sent to Stanford for a second opinion.

2 comments on “A New Day

  1. Ts. Janice on said:

    Aw baby steps…every positive time frame is wonderful! To maybe hold her next week sounds exciting! Easter…that is closer than you could imagine! Viagra??? Beautiful if it is helping:) Sounds like your Drs and nurses are working with our Lords plan in time. We love you both and your precious little girl! See you soon…
    Stupin Fam

  2. Ts. Monya K on said:

    Continuing to keep the 3 of you in prayer, specifically asking for your little Jane to grow strong enough so Mama can hold her soon. Your nurses (last night & today) sound like angles…giving you honest, yet loving answers. God continues to watch over your family & every little step, no matter how insignificant it might seem, is monumentous & a victory. In Prayer & Christ’s Love
    Ts Monya K

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