God’s Little Lamb

Jane Daniel Siapin

Fought the good fight for 7 weeks.

Grew tired and is now with our Lord.

Jane Siapin, God's Little Lamb

Funeral Services                                                                                                          Viewing: Monday, March 12-beginning at 4pm.                                                                New Romanovsky Church, 14647 Broadway, Whittier CA 90604                                  Burial: Tuesday, March 13 at 1pm                                                                              “Slauson Cemetery”, 7201 E. Slauson Ave., City of Commerce 90040.

50 comments on “God’s Little Lamb

  1. Kim Stupin on said:

    Daniel and Elisabeth,

    I am so incredibly sorry for your loss. Jane is in a better place now and is no longer suffering. She touched the lives of so many of us and fulfilled her purpose here. I will pray that God comforts your family during this difficult time.

    Xoxo, Kim Stupin

  2. T. Elaine on said:

    Daniel & Elizabeth and Jane, Nothing can separate the love of a family not the deepest ocean, not the darkest forest, not the ends of the earth, Love is what binds us, heals us, and gives us hope and faith for the future. May our Dear Lord hold you in his loving hands as He promises to do so for those that proclaim they are his children. We are praying for you and your family. With great love, D. Mike & T. Elaine, Michael, Danielle and Janiece

  3. John and Natalie nevarov on said:

    Daniel and Elisabeth,

    We are so sorry to hear about baby Jane. Thank you so much for sharing her journey with all of us. It was truly touching and my heart goes out to you both. You will continue to be in our thoughts and prayers during this difficult time. May God comfort you and give you peace and strength. We will never forget about baby Jane and her story.

    John and Natalie Nevarov

  4. Mike O on said:

    She was such a good fighter, but God wanted her with Him dwelling in His love and peace. We love you guys and are mourning with you.

  5. janet miklos on said:

    Dear Daniel and Elisabeth,
    May the unfathomable peace of God surround you as you mourn the loss of your sweet baby Jane. Heaven is rejoicing even in the midst of your sorrow. Your faith in our amazing God will be a testament to the many people who were touched by Jane’s story. God bless you!

    Janet Miklos

  6. jennifer a on said:

    Daniel & Elisabeth, I am so sorry for your loss of sweet little Jane, but am comforted knowing she is with the Lord and is no longer in pain. May the Lord grant you strength, peace and so much love during this time. Your daughter has been and inspiration to so, so many, she has truly touched our hearts forever. We are with you in prayer.

    All our Love, Michael & Jennifer Antonsen

  7. Jennifer Joneleit on said:

    Dear Elisabeth and Daniel,
    We are so sorry to read your news. We will be praying for you…
    Jennifer and B-House Joneleit

  8. Jane Botieff on said:

    Daniel and Elisabeth,
    I am so saddened by the loss of your beautiful daughter, Jane. I will continue to pray for you and your family during this time, for comfort, peace, and strength. Thank you for sharing her amazing story with us all. She was truly a blessing and has touched so many lives.
    Love, Jane Botieff

  9. Dydya Rick on said:

    I am soooo heartbroken for you both, but releaved that Jane is not in pain any more, she was a stronger person in 7 weeks of life on earth than most people are in a lifetime. Jane is with God now in a peaceful place.

  10. Michelle Metch on said:

    Words cannot express how sad I am for your loss, Jane has touched so many hearts during her short time with us, and now is at peace with our Lord, may you find strength and comfort in him during this difficult time.

    Lots of love
    Michelle Metchkoff

  11. Vas & Beth on said:

    Daniel & Elisabeth,
    We are so very sorry for the loss of your precious Jane. We will pray that the Lord continues to give you strength, comfort, and peace during this difficult time. Thank you for sharing Jane’s story. Jane’s incredible strength and your incredible faith & trust in the Lord have been an inspiration to all us.

    Vas & Beth Slevcove

  12. nico and audrey on said:

    We cannot express our sorrow for your loss. Jane was such a small baby with the biggest will and so much strength! She is an inspiration to us just as the two of you are to all believers. Just as the doctor said about Jane I will say about you… If everyone had 1% of the faith, courage, and strength as you, the world would be a better place. Your hearts may be broken but your family isn’t. Jane will be with you always. She is the fire within you to keep going and she will be your comfort in difficult times. Continue to look to our Lord for comfort and peace. He will deliver 🙂 We will continue to pray for your family.

    -Nico and Audrey Shubin

  13. Steven & Onya Popoff on said:

    Daniel & Elizabeth…….
    May God’s Holy Spirit comfort your hearts and give you stregnth in the next days to come…..Thank you for sharing your sweet little baby with all of us readers…..not a day went by without saying a prayer for her and a prayer of stregnth for the two of you. God Bless you for being such wonderful and loving parents to your little baby!

  14. Lara Kostrikin Palm on said:

    Words cannot express the grief that we feel for you, Daniel & Elisabeth. I’m so thankful that you shared your journey with us. Reading your entries taught many of us more of what it means to trust in the Lord and grow in our prayer times with Him. He never promises us an easy life. In fact, the exact opposite: “In this world, you will have troubles. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33) We WILL face hardships, but God promises to be good and to walk with us and never leave us. My prayer for you and your family is that you sink deeper into Jesus, that you allow the Holy Spirit to comfort and heal your hurts, that you see and know that God was with you and Jane, and is with you still. He turns ashes into beauty and makes things new again.

  15. Melissa Lediaev on said:

    Daniel & Elizabeth,

    Words cannot explain how heart broken we are to have heard this news. She was a tough little cookie and fought for a long time! I pray that the Lord gives you guys peace and comfort through this tragic time.

    Our prayers are definitely on you! I am also at peace that Little Jane is no longer in pain and that she is with Jesus, happy and healthy! She will most definitely be missed, but one day, you’ll see that little Angel again!

    Again, our prayers are with you for peace, comfort, and much love!

    Love you guys,

    Paul, Melissa, Annie, & Jillian Lediaev

  16. Jeff Kochergen on said:

    Hello Daniel & Elizabeth
    We are deeply saddend by the loss of your little Angel, Jane is now with our Lords Heavenlly Angels, may you find peace & comfort from our Lords Holy Spirit, in this time.
    God Bless & take care
    Jeff, Onya, Mike & Alex Kochergen

  17. John 10:27-29 “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they will never perish, and no one will snatch them out of my hand. My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all, and no one is able to snatch them out of the Father’s hand.” (Jesus Speaking)

    I know there are no words that take away your anguish. Just be strong and know that you did all you could as very devoted parents, and you relied on God to make His Will be done. No more frowns for your daughter, or winces, just everlasting rest. I love you so much and my whole heart goes out to you.


  18. marilyn shadr on said:

    I am completely heartbroken over the loss of your sweet baby girl but cannot imagine the level of your sorrow. May your comfort come from our Lord & knowing you did everything humanly possible under His guidance for your daughter. Jane is with Him now, at this very moment, peaceful & pain free. Thank you for sharing her with us. My continued prayers, Marilyn Shade.

  19. adam and nadya on said:

    Daniel and Elizabeth,
    We are so sad that Jane is no longer here. She was the strongest little girl that we have known. We are crying with you. Jane is in heaven in the arms of Jesus. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.

  20. Brenda Donahue on said:

    I am so very sorry for your loss. Jane is in a wonderful place now and is no longer suffering. She touched the lives of so many people and truly was a little warrior. We were so lucky to have been able to share her story and feel that we knew her in some small way through your web page .I pray that God comforts your family during this difficult time. God Bless.
    Brenda Donahue

  21. Ts. Vetta Urane on said:

    Daniel and Elisabeth,
    Your daughter, Jane Daniel Siapin, was born with a purpose for her life, her life had meaning. While she was here, she was greatly loved — and always will be. When you see her again, you will recognize her and she will know you. Until then, I pray that our heavenly Father give you, and your families, His comforttly strength and peace of heart.
    Your sister in Christ — Ts. Vetta

  22. Elena Kornoff on said:

    Daniel & Elisabeth,

    You have been an inspiration to everyone who has followed Jane’s story. May the Lord provide you with comfort and allow you to take solace in the fact that Jane is alongside with Him.

    We love you both very much.

    Josh & Elena Kornoff

  23. Emily Nazaroff on said:

    Daniel and Elisabeth, we are praying for comfort and strength from our Heavenly Father for the two of you and your families. We are so sorry for the loss of baby Jane. She was such a beautiful little girl (with a pair of gorgeous eyes!) who touched the lives of many serving her purpose here on earth. You guys were with her every step of the way as she fought for her life. Take peace knowing she is with our Lord now and is no longer in any kind of pain or suffering. Although we never met your daughter, we felt like we knew her through your blog – thank you for sharing that with us all, your courage and faith in God is incredible. Continue to look to God for His guidance, comfort, and strength. May He bless you always, through this trying time and beyond. Jane was loved by many, as are her parents.

    God Bless,

    Stephen, Emily, Stephanie and Joshua Nazaroff

  24. Sandra Boos on said:

    My husband came upon me, sobbing in the kitchen at the news that Jane has passed. Please know your little girl touched so many and she will be remembered by all who have been touched and forever changed for the better by Jane’s life. Her strength was beyond this earth. I believe God needed her strength in Heaven and so he called her back home. We will be with you in spirit and prayer during this difficult time.

    Paul and Sandra Boos

  25. Verna on said:

    My heart is breaking for you… Your precious daughter was quite the fighter – she brings the verse alive ” I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, and now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness”. Hold on to each other tightly during this difficult time. Hugs, Verna

  26. Rebekah on said:

    Daniel and Elisabeth,
    Jane was born with a purpose, one that many of us may never know. With her short time here, she brought so many people from in and out of our community crumpling onto their knees in prayer.
    She is a beautiful baby, now laying peacefully in his arms- not in pain. Looking down upon us all, knowing that someday you will meet her again. She will be beautiful, dancing, and waiting….
    With love,

  27. Leah Berokoff on said:

    Daniel and Elisabeth,

    James and I are praying for you both, that you are comforted. I cannot begin to imagine what you are going through. May our Lord bless you in His way today.

    James and Leah Berokoff

  28. Laura Efseaff on said:

    Daniel and Elisabeth,

    Eyoseph and I are deeply deeply saddened to hear of the loss of your BEAUTIFUL baby girl. She must have been one special little angel for God to want her back home with him so soon.Our hearts are aching tremendously for you, and we will continue to pray for strength and comfort for you through this time. There is so much more my heart wants to say but I just cant put into words. Thank you both so much for sharing her story with us.

    Eyoseph, Laura and Zachary Efseaff

  29. John and Sada Siliznoff on said:

    Dear Daniel and Elisabeth,
    We pray that our Almighty Lord give you comfort and peace through this difficult time. So many lives have been touched by your precious Jane and your strength and love being by her side through everything. May God bless both of you for enduring through this and sharing your amazing story with so many friends and family who are all lifting you and your family up in prayer!

  30. Nadya U on said:

    She truly is an angel. Thank you for sharing her with us.

  31. Manya H on said:

    Though her time was short, she had an amazing journey with so many people praying for her because you opened your heart and gave us insight with this
    blog. Thankyou for writing it and letting us all “in” on her journey and yours.
    Much love and prayers for you. May our Lord guide you, comfort you through this time.

    D Jack and T Manya Hozen and family

  32. nadja sokoloff on said:

    Dear Daniel and Elisabeth – words cannot express the pain we are all feeling for you. We know Jane is in the arms of our Lord, all whole, pink and cuddly. May all of our prayers fill you with God’s mercy, love, peace and strength. Your blog has been an inspiration to so many people. God Bless You Both. n

  33. Petro and Manya on said:

    Dearest Daniel and Elisabeth,
    May the Lord give you strength and the willpower to keep up the faith for Him. We are truly touched by your journey with Jane and will all rejoice someday with her. Love you both,
    ~Petro and Manya Shinen

  34. Rachel Prohoroff on said:

    Daniel and Elisabeth,

    I am so sorry for your loss. Jane was a precious little girl and such a little fighter and she will be missed by many.


  35. Jacob & Lisa Mendrin on said:

    Daniel and Fetha, our dearest friends.. your journey has been rough these past 7 weeks with baby Jane, I can’t even begin to imagine. We are so deeply sorry for your loss. My heart is broken in a million pieces… to a point where I don’t think I’ve ever felt this much pain before. We were all rooting for Jane’s health recovery, but our Lord Almighty had other plans for her. Plans that we comprehend right now, but someday will. Jane is now resting peacefully in Heaven.. her little heart and lungs no longer in distress or pain… She is home with our Lord, comforted by Him, looking down smiling on us all.. she’s patiently waiting for us to join her one day. I am so glad Jacob and I were able to meet her, see her beautiful little face, and witness her strong will to survive. She has touched our hearts in so many ways and we will never forget her.

    You two have showed such amazing strength and bravery through this all and I know everyone who has witnessed your journey has been in complete admiration. You both are remarkable parents; if we can all have as much love, faith, and courage as you and Daniel this world would no doubt be a better place. Jane was here briefly, but God totally knew what He was doing when He gave her to you.. He provided Jane with THE BEST set of parents any child can ask for. Jane could have been born to anybody, but she was blessed to be born to you. You are the perfect parents for Jane and gave her more in these past 7 weeks than most parents can give in a lifetime.

    We continue to pray that you two find comfort and healing in our Lord. That your love for Him and one another flourish though this time and always. We truly feel blessed to know you and have you as our friends. We love you.

  36. Nadya R. on said:

    Thank you for sharing your and Jane’s journey and giving us the privilege to pray with you, to share in your life and her’s – the joy and the sadness. Jane’s story has touched many lives and will be used for God’s glory. Amen.

  37. Donna Brass on said:

    Daniel and Elizabeth, I am so very sorry for your loss. I hope with everything in me that god’s arms are wrapped around you so very tight and giving you both the love and support that you both need. Thank you so much for sharing your journey with us. I, like many others I am sure, feel like we got to know beautiful Jane because you were both gracious enough to share her with us. Thank you for that! I will continue to pray for you both in hopes that it helps you through your next stage here on earth. God Bless you both and god bless little Jane.
    Donna Brass

  38. Auntie Annette on said:

    Dear Daniel & Elisabeth, Auntie Shirley & I send our deepest love and will keep you in our prayers and thoughts. Thank you for sharing the darling picture of baby Jane. . Please find some comfort to know she is in Jesus arms and there might be someone in Heaven waiting to teach her how to play golf.
    Much love to you both, Auntie Annette

  39. Manya Bebieff on said:

    Daniel and Elizabeth
    Our Lord gave you a beautiful, tiny Angel, if only for a brief moment! And by His Grace, you shared her amazing presence with so many of us. Baby Jane was an example of what Faith, Courage and Strength really means. So, many of us were so touched by her and were drawn closer and closer to our Lord and Savior every day, sharing our love, hope, prayers and tears along side you. I am so Blessed to know you and have learned so much by your amazing example of Faith and Hope. May our Father in Heaven bring you peace and comfort.knowing you are so loved by so many. Baby Jane will be forever in our hearts.

    Ts. Manya Bebieff

  40. Shirley Valov on said:

    My heart is still heavy for your loss! I’am so sorry for your loss, she was so beautiful and I know right now she is with our Lord telling Him about her loving, very strong Mama and Papa, and may I add God loving parents! You are both loved by many and my prayers will be with you in the hours, days, months to come. Love and may God Bless you both! Love, Shirley Valov

  41. 24 The LORD bless thee, and keep thee:
    25 The LORD make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee:
    26 The LORD lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace. (Numbers 6:23-25)

  42. Manya Mich on said:

    Daniel & Elisabeth……. Words can not express the deep sorrow we feel. As I read your blog I was always amazed at your faith and love. Your family has touched me in a way that I can’t express. May you find comfort in the love that is surrounded by you and most of all in each other! May our Loving God wrap His loving arms around you and comfort you and strengthen you. You were amazing through this and were the most loving parents any child can ever have. Thank you so much for sharing God’s Little Lamb with all of us. We will continue to pray for your peace, comfort and strength. A great big comforting hug goes out to you from us along with our prayers for you.
    Jay, Manya and Vas Michicoff

  43. Dy. Mike on said:

    Daniel & Elisabeth,
    As I write – my heart, along with so many others, is so heavy, and in deep hurt. I cannot express with words how saddened I am and now feeling the grief of such a sad occasion. The only peace I find at this moment is in the belief that Our Lord Jesus is holding your precious little blessing, your baby Jane in a warm loving embrace. She is no longer in pain, no longer suffering or being irritated with/by so many who were trying to care for her, by their prodding & poking, waking her, sticking in the needles, etc, etc. She is in the presence of our almighty God.

    I am so blessed to know you and was so blessed by your including me/us in the Awesome recounting of Jane’s journey. The strength of this little lamb, and your enduring faith, has kept me personnally – in touch with my Lord. It brought me to my knees so many times as I was lifting you guys & Jane to the “Door of Mercy” that Jesus provides. I was also encouraged by the tremendous showing of charity/love by so so so many people, even those who did not know you! Just simply incredible! That love has renewed my faith in human kind. So many praying to God, for you & Jane – just awesome.

    I send my love, a warm hug and embrace and pray that God give you comfort, peace & strength to go thru this very difficult period of your life.

    Life is like a book: we can see and read the pages one by one as we turn each page & approach the next chapter. Unfortunately we can’t do like Ty Nadya & read the last page then begin the book. As you enter the next chapter of your lives together, I pray that your faith will ever so much increase, and that you continue to be an ecouragement to so many. May God richly bless you!

    With love,
    Dy. Mike & Ty. Nadya

  44. We will continue to pray for you and for the future of God’s grace and provision.

  45. Elena on said:

    Dear Daniel and Elizabeth,

    May you feel the arms of Jesus enfold you as you weep the loss of your precious 1st born daughter Jane and as you mourn the loss of all the dreams you had for her.

    I can imagine her in heaven, sitting on the lap of the Jesus saying,

    “Did you see how much my Daddy and Mommy loved me? How they sat beside me, watching me, touching, begging to hold me and breathe in my very essence?”

    ”Lord, did you see how my Daddy and Mommy honored me and gave meaning to my life by allowing others to know me, pray for me and follow my short life through their daily writings?”

    “Lord, will you save all their tears in a jar for me to hold on to until I see them again?”

    “Lord, will you love my Mommy and Daddy as you love me? Will you wrap them in your love and hold them up until all their tears are cried and they can once again stand up and hope in all the good things yet to be in their earthly life? Will you Lord?”

    And I can imagine Jesus hugging her, kissing her fore head and saying, “Yes, my precious Jane, I will show all my love to them in every way.”

    Daniel and Elizabeth, I pray for you and I weep with you over the passing of your precious daughter Jane. May the love of Jesus hold you tightly in the coming days, weeks and months until your mourning is complete.

  46. marilyn shadr on said:

    Just wanted to add to previous post. . . . Thank you for sharing Jane’s picture, what a beautiful baby.

  47. Daniel and Elizabeth; My heart and prayers are with you at this time. I am unable to make it to the wake or to the funeral. You don’t know me and I don’t know you; but I have been following your blog about Baby Jane. I have been praying for God’s will. Those big brown eyes are now staring and sparkling into Jesus’s eyes as He is holding her. She is an angel now as she was when she was born. I hope and pray that she is playing up in heaven with my Sarah who left me before she came out of my womb. Jane is whole now. I pray that the both of you have the peace and comfort in knowing that your Baby Jane is in the Lord’s loving Grace. May you move on with a purpose in your life because of Jane to counsel those families with children at CHOC. You have the strength to do so!! May God continue to bless you and use you for HIS will and purpose.

  48. Suzanne on said:

    Rom 8:26
    “…the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express.”

    My spirit groans for your family with words I cannot express, other than to say I love you. But, most importantly, the Holy Spirit is groaning and interceding on your behalf.

  49. Michael on said:

    Just heard about your loss whilst traveling. I pray that God continues to bless you with comfort and endurance during this time.

  50. Sandra on said:

    God saw you getting tired, and a cure was not to be, so He put his arms around you and
    whispered, “Come to Me.” With tearful eyes we watched you, and saw you pass away,
    and although we loved you dearly, we could not make you stay. A golden heart stopped
    beating, tiny hands at rest. God broke our hearts to prove to us, He only takes the best.

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