
I think it is safe to say that this trip has been, hmmm, eye-opening…interesting…chaotic..necessary….let’s just say it has been many things!!! Here are just a few of the funny highlights that go to prove I am a complete wreck! Lol!!! (I have to laugh about it, I have no other choice, well, besides to cry).

1. Somehow I got our arrival date to israel wrong (even though I booked the tickets). So, when we arrived on the 19th at 2:30am instead of on the 20th we had no place to stay. We were both over tired, Daniel was starving, nothing was open and we were lost in an unknown city. (and for the record they might as well post a CLOSED sign in Israel during Passover).

2. In a matter of a week we managed to change hotels 4 times in the same city. That was chaotic and I can’t quite figure out how that was planned either.

3. We managed to make it out of Israel and into Rome after arguing with the Israeli rental car company over 1/4 of a gallon of gas or less. Apparently we didn’t overfill the car with gas… I dunno??!!

4. Since we decided to come home early I needed to change our hotel reservations in Italy. We showed up at this little old Italian lady’s house in Rome. She hosts a small B&B. She buzzes us into the building and I tell her that we are staying with her. She looks totally confused…so we go up to her apartment and she has nothing on her books. After a while I realize that I changed our arrival for may 20th instead of April 20th. Ahhh!!! We laugh, she laughs, and then tells us that she had worked with the reservation company for 13 years and nothing like this has ever happened. Lol!!! She kindly called her friend who has a vacant apartment and we have been able to stay there.

5. We rented bikes one day and during a leisurely bike ride I managed to run into a piece of rebar and tear a perfectly round hole in my sweatshirt.

6. Daniel dragged me all over Rome today trying to find tickets for the soccer game. We finally find the place, get our tickets and head to the game. After half time we decided to move up a few rows because something was blocking our view… I had just finished telling Daniel that it is so gross how everybody smokes here. It seemed like right after that everybody around me decided to light up. I had at least 4 cigarettes blowing right into my face. Needless to say, Daniel and I have become second hand smokers. (ok, so not really.., but it feels like it)

7. I walk into the women’s bathroom at the stadium but I was so confused that men kept walking out of the stalls. I double checked.., I was in the women’s restroom. I dunno??! Oh and apparently it’s a BYOtoiletpaper. Who woulda known?! Lol!!

These are just some of the adventurous things we have experienced…what a vacation. At least we’ve had some laughs!!!

8. Daniel just reminded me of #8… So we are on the mt. of beatitudes, overlooking the galilee and reading the sermon on the mount from Matthew 5. It was very peaceful and beautiful.., as soon as Daniel finished reading a bird pooped on his leg. This was just confirmation to us that a life for God means we will get pooped on. Perfect timing right??!! Haha!

7 comments on “Bloopers

  1. Iiiiiiii just love you guys and can’t wait to see you when u get home lol!

  2. MOM SIAPIN on said:

    Soooo good to hear from you and that laughter is still part of your life. Am missing you guys but hope you are embracing this time you have together. Love you

  3. Mike O on said:

    So glad the rebar only put a hole in your sweatshirt I got scared for a minute. The bird pooping is hilarious.

  4. Ok….the bird pooping……hilarious!

    Never a dull moment for you two 🙂


  5. Dearest Daniel & Elisabeth! It was so great to hear from you! Evon had as bird poop on him too, on his head when he was younger in Pismo Beach! Sounds like u’ll have many stories to tell! We had a wonderful trip to Australia, many, many heartfelt wishes & blessings for yous, many warm & cherished memories for us with family and friends. God has truly Blessed our lives and we are so grateful for SO many things. We are SO anxious to see you & hug you!!!! Love, Mama K

  6. Thanks for the mention of the Sermon on the Mount! We’ll read it this Sunday!

  7. Beky on said:

    A bird pooping on you is a sign of good luck – so I’d take it as a good thing (well, at least that is what I’d tell myself!)

    Enjoy Rome!

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