cool story

On Thursday, there was a baby rushed in to the NICU with the grandmother trailing close behind full of tears, much like our scenario the day before with me following Jane and the doctors. As she was walking by, I said quietly, “Everything will be okay”. A bit later, I really felt like looking for to pray with her. I found her, and we prayed together.

Tonight, I went into the family room to finish the last of my coffee, and that same lady walked in and sat by me. She told me, that on Thursday when she walked by me, she glanced back when I told her everything’s gonna be okay, and she said she saw an angel behind me. I was blown away.

But then she said that a little while later, when she was sitting all alone in the family room, she asked the social service agent to bring up someone to pray with her, and nobody came. Then she started “begging” to God to bring her someone to comfort her and pray with her, and that’s when I came in. I asked her if I can pray with her, then I held her hands and put my arm around her and we just prayed with eyes full of tears and noses full of snots.

PS Jane’s platelet injection was received by her body, and her count is back up! What a day!!!!!

8 comments on “cool story

  1. That really is an awesome story! We know that angels are God’s messengers, doing His bidding, but its always nice to get a little reasurrance that He has His workers right beside us! We are all continuing to pray for baby Jane and you two, so you keep praying at the hospital and we’ll keep praying at home. Love to you all!

  2. Esther O on said:

    I LOVE hearing stories like this. So amazing and beautiful that it brings tears to my eyes and fills my heart with joy. How wonderful. It’s all for His glory!

  3. Ts Monya K on said:


  4. Adam and Nadya Nazaroff on said:

    Amazing and comforting! You are continually on our minds and hearts. Lots of prayers for your new family.

  5. Wow, that brought tears to my eyes. I love how total strangers can become joined brothers and sisters in Christ within minutes, all because you listened to Him. <3 My prayers are with your family and lil' Jane.

  6. I just have to tell you that I have retold this story a few times and every time I cry when I tell it. Such and amazing blessing for you and the grandmother! You are truly receiving so many blessings and giving then just the same. Love you guys!
    I continue to pray for the 3 of you 🙂

  7. Manya K. on said:

    Wow, that is an amazing story, crying now. You are so strong, wonderful story that you were able to be there for each other and she saw an angel with you, wow.

  8. Hello Siapins. Just wanted you to know our prayers are with you in your time of need. CHOC is amazing, when our son was ill he was well taken care of there. (It was 22 yrs ago) I wanted to donate blood for Jane but because the CHOC blood bank is the only site to donate and I came down from oregon to fresno I wont be able to.

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