Guest Book

Since we have sooo many visitors to Jane’s blog, God bless you all, I just want to know who’s checking up on our little angel. If you don’t mind, just jot down your name, and there’s a comment box if you want to make a comment.

Thanks, Daniel

29 comments on “Guest Book

  1. Andrew & Michelle Kadera on said:

    Continually praying for you guys.

  2. marilyn shadr on said:

    Just want you to know that my prayers go out to God daily for healing for your daughter & comfort to you, her parents. We learned of Jane from our Bible study teacher, Tanya Slevina a few weeks ago, just before Janes surgery.We lift her up in prayer each week. God bless you & your sweet baby girl.

  3. John and Sada Siliznoff on said:

    Dear Daniel and Elisabeth,
    We just wanted you to know that our prayers, love, and thoughts are with you always. As we have read your blog about Jane our hearts have rejoiced for you in times of happiness and wept for you in times of sadness. We pray for the Lord to continue to strengthen you and provide Jane and you peace and comfort through this!


    John and Sada Siliznoff

  4. Christine Kosareff on said:

    Daniel and Elisabeth,
    You and Jane are continually in my prayers.

  5. Ts Monya K on said:

    Continually praying, Daily…..Hourly….Minutely…..Continually lifting & covering the 3 of you in prayer.

  6. Josh & Elena Kornoff on said:

    We are continually praying for your family’s comfort, healing, and for God’s ultimate will.

    Love you!
    Josh & Elena Kornoff

  7. Beeps and Babe on said:

    This looks new to the blog page 🙂 Your family is never NOT in our prayers. Jane was created by our Lord and He will be the one to heal her. Our prayers are continuously with you all; Jane, you, Daniel and all staff at the hospital participating in any way. I love you all so much and wish I could be there for more support. But where I am you are all in the front of my mind, always!!!!!!!! Keep your strength and faith in our Lord and He will deliver you.

    Heaps n heaps of LOVE!!!!!!!!

  8. nadja sokoloff on said:

    Dear Daniel, Elisabth and Baby Jane, God knows what is in your hearts and mind. He will never forsake you nor leave you. Our prayers are with you all and all those that touch your precious baby girl.

  9. sandra tolmachoff on said:

    just checking in and keeping you, Elisabeth and Jane and all of your extended family in our prayers. The power of prayer is so strong! and to lifted up on those prayers as wings on a dove is the most wonderful feeling, to know that He cares for each of us, in each of our unique situations, that when we have no control over what is happening to us and others are making decesions, knowing that the comfort of prayers being wrapped around you like a warm comforting blanket/hug/embrace is what get us through each second, minute, hour, day. . . just be warmed by our embraces of prayers. Love to all, Ts Sandra Tolmachoff

  10. Grace Pivovaroff on said:

    Daniel and Elizabeth,
    Jane’s healing is the ultimate prayer goal. This blog brings us into your life to guide us with our daily prayers for each of you. To have an idea of what is pressing for each day. Know that you are dearly loved.

  11. natasha on said:

    Not a day goes by that I don’t think and pray for you 3 and this tremendous journey that God has planned for you. I am continually thankful that each day goes by with news shared by you about your experience, and you are always in my prayers.

  12. Auntie Annette on said:

    Dear Daniel, Elisabeth and baby Jane,
    I have you all in my thoughts and prayers every day. Hopefully. Baby Jane and I can visit and go out to play very soon. I am going to visit my son in Los gatos in early March. HOpefully you will be back at CHOC, if not, I will come to Stanford. (I will leave all scissors home)). Love to all, Auntie Annette

  13. Kim Stupin on said:

    Hi Daniel, Elisabeth, and baby Jane,

    Just want to let you guys know that I read your blog every single day and you guys are truly inspirational. I cant wait for baby Jane to be strong enough to come home so I can finally meet her in person. Your family is in my thoughts and prayers everyday. Continue to stay strong and rely on God and He will comfort your family through this tough time.

    Xoxo, cousin Kim

  14. Natasha Berokoff on said:

    Daniel and Elizabeth,

    I hope and pray with all my heart that God gives your family strength, comfort, and healing during this time.

    With much love,

    Natasha Berokoff

  15. Dear Daniel and Elisabeth, I am amazed at how much the two of you have endured since our dear Jane was born! You are an example of courage, strenght, faith & endurance! Keep up the good work God hears your pleas & prayers for Janes health, He has come thru so many times for yous. I love you and am only a phone call away, Love, Mom Kosareff

  16. Eleanor Shubin on said:

    I am praying for all of you. Thank you for keeping all of us informed. May God bless and keep you.

  17. Judy Candela on said:

    Hi Daniel and Elisabeth. What a privilege it is to pray for your precious one! Thank you for sharing her journey with us. You all continue to be in my prayers!!!!
    Love, Judy Candela (CBS)

  18. Jill Whelan on said:

    Hi Daniel and Elisabeth – I’ve been following your blog and also getting updates from your cousin Elenna. My husband and I have gone a similar journey – well at least in having a sick newborn – hospitalized for an extended stay. I want you to know that I’ve been praying for you and will continue to do so. Sorry I’ve not commented before – but I do understand your struggles. The first dirty diaper was met with cheers from our little Timmy’s parents also…pic lines and blood transfusions…ups and downs, daily…and sat by helplessly watching infant CPR. The sound of bells and machines, lines connected EVERYWHERE. But our God is great and will guide you and comfort you through this difficult time. Please know with each of your posts I knew exactly how to pray for you.

    Blessings – and thank you for sharing your journey with us all

  19. Bill and Tam Seleznoff on said:

    We continue to pray for you every morning and you are constantly in our thoughts and prayers all day long. We are praying that Jane gets the very best in every way, and that you are both held tightly in God’s mercy and love as you travel this very long journey with your precious baby.

  20. Sandra Boos on said:

    Elisabeth and Daniel, although I do not know you personally we have mutual friends in Laura, Michael and Johnny Nazaroff. I pray for baby Jane’s continued healing. May God continue to give you strength and continue to work his miracles.

  21. Adam and Nadya Nazaroff on said:

    Daniel, Elizabeth and Jane, we pray for your family everyday. Jane, we pray that you continue to get stronger so you can eventually go home with your mama and papa. We read everyday and want to thank you for sharing with us your most happiest and saddest moments. Take care and God bless.

  22. Jordyn Shubin on said:

    Daniel and Elisabeth,
    It is so inspiring to read your posts about your journey with Jane. Your undenying love and devotion not only for her but for God has really been an inspiration. I pray that He provides you and Jane comfort and healing along with strength to persevere through any situation.
    Love, Jordyn Shubin

  23. Dennis and Diane Liege on said:

    We love you guys! You are continally in our prayers for God’s mercy, strength, comfort and healing. Dennis and Diane Liege

  24. Annie Campbell (Mendrin) on said:

    Dear Daniel and Elisabeth:
    I am so sorry to hear about baby Jane. She was so strong to keep fighting for her life all those weeks. My heart goes out to the both of you, your families and very close friends at this time. I wrote this on Laura’s FB: ” During this time of sorrow when our heads are looking down, we need to look up because that is where baby Jane is, right next to Jesus. She truly is an angel. Baby Jane will always be with you!”
    Annie Campbell (Mendrin)

  25. Hanya Portnoff on said:

    Daniel and Elizabeth
    I can’t express how sorry I am to hear about your courageous baby girl. I pray that God gives you comfort and embraces you tightly in his arms. That He sends you healing.
    All our love and prayers
    Timofey and Hanya Portnoff

  26. nadja sokoloff on said:

    Dear Daniel and Elisabeth – our prayers are with you both that God give you strength, peace and joy knowing Jane is in our Lord’s arms. She fought the good fight and now she is home. As the days pass we will all remember your precious little angel and how you did everything you could to save her precious life. God Bless You Both, love D. Bill and T. Nadja Sokoloff

  27. Nadya U on said:

    Jane is forever perfect, innocent, and pure. Heaven is her gift. Praying that you find comfort and peace with our Lords decision to keep her. Kevin & Nadya Uraine

  28. We continue to pray for your family, that your hearts may heal, that you will always remember every detail of Jane, and that you continue to praise God as you have been. Reading your blog, I am so inspired by how you’ve praised Him every step of the way, I can’t imagine the pain and the journey you and Daniel have gone through and to see how you both have handled this with grace, faith, and understanding is truly beautiful.

  29. Nadya U on said:

    Thinking of you all on Jane’s birthday!

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